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Lake Co. Right to Life Guest Speakers

Mark and I had the privilege of speaking at Lake County Right to Life's 47th Annual Banquet on the one year anniversary of abortionist Klopfer's death, September 3, 2019. Having spent nearly two years on our investigative film, Inwood Drive, we were ready to share some interesting facts that we have learned about Indiana's most prolific abortionist, Ulrich "Georg" Klopfer.

Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the US end in abortion. Contact your local Right-to-Life organization to learn how you can help in your local community. We all have the opportunity to lend our time, talents, and treasure in support of life. It has never been more important or urgent to get involved!


"How did Allen County Indiana become known as the second largest abortion desert in the US?"

That one question led us on a journey documenting and sharing one of the United States largest mass graves. 2,411 lives lost and kept for nearly two decades by Indiana's most prolific abortionist, Ulrich "Georg" Klopfer.

Add this important film and book to your library to help educate, motivate, and inspire others to get involved in the fight for life and continue being a voice for the voiceless.

Together, we are making a difference!


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