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'Off the Bench' with Heidi St. John
The battle lines have been drawn. Will the Church stand for Truth, or will we falter? Comprehensive Sex Education is polluting the minds...

She Found His Grace
Guest, Serena Dyksen of She Found His Grace: Abortion Recovery, joins us to share an update with her ministry and the Lord's goodness.

The Cost of Silence
Abortion is the BIGGEST blight on America! We must be bold, take a stand, and speak up for those without a voice.

Lake Co. Right to Life Guest Speakers
How did Allen County, Indiana, become known as the second largest abortion desert in the US?
You can see how in this NEW documentary film!

The Backup Controversy
People in the community couldn’t understand why a pro-life doctor would be helping the local abortionist as a backup physician.

Dr. Cly - An Unlikely Hero
Dr. Cly, our local OBGYN, played a major role in our city becoming know as the second largest abortion desert in the United States.

The assault on Statewood Baptist Church
A majority of the time our churches are left alone and free from direct conflict or assault. But what happens when your church...

'Inwood' is now on Prime Video
Every film project is an epic journey on some level, but “Inwood Drive” has been epic on an epic scale.

The Webster Street Protests
This world is full of conflict! Whether it be current events or history, you don't have to look far to see various battles....

George Klopfer's Rise to Prominence
Making an investigative documentary film you learn more than your fair share about your main character. Ours happen to be an abortionist.
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