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'Off the Bench' with Heidi St. John
The battle lines have been drawn. Will the Church stand for Truth, or will we falter? Comprehensive Sex Education is polluting the minds...

'The Mind Polluters' Exposes Schools Sexualizing Kids
Documentary is a wake-up call to parents and pastors that schools are indoctrinating kids into a worldview at odds with the Christian faith.

A Life Changing Post
Do you ever watch something and know you should get involved to help in whatever way you can but just don’t know how? That was us!

Book Censorship and Obscenity
Debbie DeGroff has spent over 30 years researching and documenting the shifting worldview being presented to children through book...

Repealing Obscenity Exemptions
Someone can go to jail for disseminating obscene matter to children, UNLESS it's within a school building - why protect the perpetrators?

Obscene or Not?
Does a society so bent on accepting perversity even have a standard by which to measure obscenity any more? Not really.
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