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Meet the DYSPHORIA Cast
Listen to exclusive podcasts today! The complexities of the issues addressed in 'Dysphoria' need to reach as many people as possible.
'Off the Bench' with Heidi St. John
The battle lines have been drawn. Will the Church stand for Truth, or will we falter? Comprehensive Sex Education is polluting the minds...
A Life Changing Post
Do you ever watch something and know you should get involved to help in whatever way you can but just don’t know how? That was us!
Book Censorship and Obscenity
Debbie DeGroff has spent over 30 years researching and documenting the shifting worldview being presented to children through book...
Uniquely Equipped
We get asked quite frequently about how we can produce such heavy subject films.
The Cost of Silence
Abortion is the BIGGEST blight on America! We must be bold, take a stand, and speak up for those without a voice.
Lake Co. Right to Life Guest Speakers
How did Allen County, Indiana, become known as the second largest abortion desert in the US?
You can see how in this NEW documentary film!
'Inwood' is now on Prime Video
Every film project is an epic journey on some level, but “Inwood Drive” has been epic on an epic scale.
Interview with the Abortionist - Part 1
I had that feeling of extreme dread, like when you know you have to break up with someone.
Final Resting Place.
Attorney General Hill delivered a powerful eulogy graveside for the 2,411 babies hoarded by abortionist Klopfer for nearly two decades.
Stay the Course!
When you rent or buy “Inwood Drive”, you’re supporting local missionaries who are unafraid to share the truth and share the Gospel.
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