In the quiet, yet profoundly spirit-filled corners of Ligonier, IN, we found ourselves blessed beyond measure. The opportunity to share what the Lord has been fervently doing in our lives was not just an invitation but a divine appointment. For us, the church is not just a building or a Sunday commitment. It's the living, breathing body of Christ—His bride. And it's in this sacred space that we shared pieces of our journey, hoping to kindle a similar passion for Christ in the hearts of others.
My journey to faith was not without its trials. Sharing my testimony, I spoke of the moment Christ's love pierced through years of shame, a moment of absolute surrender and overwhelming grace. It's a story I hold close to my heart, and sharing it was a reminder of the power of vulnerability in faith.
Mark, with the wisdom and clarity that always seems to capture the essence of God's word, delivered a powerful message titled "Fear the Lord," drawn from the depth of the book of Job. His words were a call to reverence, a reminder of the majesty and might of our God, which transcends understanding yet calls us to draw nearer.
Our visit to this church was more than just an opportunity to speak; it was a chance to witness the exponential growth of faith when believers gather together. It reminded us of why our hearts fiercely beat for the Church. In every word shared and every scripture read, we saw faces light up with recognition—the recognition of truth, the power of God’s love, and the unifying force of our shared faith.
We left with our hearts full, carrying with us the stories and smiles of our brothers and sisters in Christ. The experience deepened our conviction that our journey is not just about walking in faith but sharing that walk with others, encouraging and being encouraged, standing firm on the Word of the Lord, and spurring one another on to good works.
This is the mission field we're called to, and this is the message we yearn to share. If our story and the messages we bring resonate with you and your congregation, we would be honored to come and minister to your church. Together, let's encourage each other to stand firm in faith, to live out the truth of the Gospel, and to fear the Lord in a way that brings wisdom, joy, and a profound sense of purpose.
For those who feel this stirring in their hearts, we open ours in an invitation. Contact us, and let us come alongside you and your congregation to fan the flames of faith, hope, and love.
Let us continue to be joyful, to be mama and papa bears, protectors, and warriors for the King, for our journey is together, and it is far from over.
United in Christ for His Glory,
Amber Archer