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Turn your mess into a message.

I recently watched baptisms take place at church and then I reposted the video to my Facebook page. Part of the caption read, ”following Christ is the greatest decision anyone could ever make”.

Later, in the wee hours of the morning while nursing our little one, a question weighed on my heart...Why? Why is following Christ the best decision anyone could ever make? So, I began to reflect on my life and my own baptism and what it meant to me at the time. It’s not my story but His.

To answer the question of “why”, from my perspective, let me summarize and share with you a small part of my story. I know with all certainty I wouldn’t be where I am today without Jesus.

THE MESS - for me it was jail time, drug addictions, alcoholism, car accidents, attempted suicide, warrants for my arrest, house arrest, community service and the list goes on. These are just the things that first come to mind as they were what caused the most shame and guilt in my life and yet there’s more. Just when you might think that that's not bad enough, yes, there’s more.

There’s a lot baggage that some of us carry when we come to Christ, but the best part is He accepts us just as we are, mess and all!! You don’t need to “clean yourself up first”, because let’s be honest, how many of us can really clean ourselves up first before doing anything else? We can’t even get out of our own way!

Your past does not equal your future! This message is for the hurt and struggling, the one who’s hit rock bottom, the who feels abandoned. There is hope when you feel hopeless. Put your trust in Jesus Christ and he’ll help you turn your mess into a message. No one is beyond redemption, the gospel is for all who repent and believe.

Your life is God’s story being told and his character being displayed. Embrace it and tell the world about it, someone needs to hear your story.


Maybe you're asking what baptism means or if you should be baptized.

Baptism is a powerful symbol of what Jesus did for us. 1 Peter 3:21 When we go down into the water, we’re reminded of Jesus’ death on the cross and His payment for our sins. But when we come out of the water, we’re reminded that three days later, Jesus rose from the dead! 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if we’re in Christ, we’re new creations. Baptism reminds us that the old is gone, and the new has come!

Praise the Lord that the new has come!!

If you have questions don't be afraid to ask, we're happy to share all the Lord has brought us out of and through.

Because of Him,



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