We’re all cooped up and I gotta tell you, podcasting actually feels therapeutic. The plan is to do one once a week. It’s kind of like having adult conversation, but just with yourself.
When we were planning out 2020 in December of last year podcasting was on our list of things to do. While it might have been a June goal, things change and you learn to roll with the punches and make the best of any situation. I don’t know what June looks like but I’m not about to sit around twiddling my thumbs because my projected schedule and routine is all out of whack. Do what you can today to serve the Lord no matter how big or small.
Our new podcast - FEARLESS with Mark & Amber is the intersection of faith, family and filmmaking. These are our passions, and like you, we all have a story to share! Our first Episode is about starting our filmmaking ministry, and how the Lord directed our path in making a feature film.
Go ahead, give it a listen maybe you’ll laugh, or maybe after you listen you’ll think we’re completely crazy, maybe we are. But, we’re living our best life the best way we know how and we’ve overcome a lot of obstacles along the way. We’re going to share our successes and failures. This podcast is going to be real life and raw because there are so many times I’d wished there was someone there to say, I know what you’re going through, here’s what helped me.
Are you trying anything new during quarantine?
Leave a comment, I love hearing about new adventures and things to learn.