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Focused on Distractions
It occurs to me that we’re all being played with endless distractions to instigate arguments over things that don’t matter...
'Inwood' is now on Prime Video
Every film project is an epic journey on some level, but “Inwood Drive” has been epic on an epic scale.
The Webster Street Protests
This world is full of conflict! Whether it be current events or history, you don't have to look far to see various battles....
George Klopfer's Rise to Prominence
Making an investigative documentary film you learn more than your fair share about your main character. Ours happen to be an abortionist.
Interview with the Abortionist - Part 1
I had that feeling of extreme dread, like when you know you have to break up with someone.
Seek the TRUTH!
We should always "test everything", checking others words against the Bible.
Sunday is Coming!
What's so good about Good Friday? We share an object lesson using carnations to give our littles a visual.
Final Resting Place.
Attorney General Hill delivered a powerful eulogy graveside for the 2,411 babies hoarded by abortionist Klopfer for nearly two decades.
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